Pondering Pandering



It all adds to my confusion,

In everything I see,

Your smile gazing back at me,

My thoughts wrapped around a barrel,

Ready to explode,

Let unload,

Torment and chaos,

As it was all told,

In a story I knew nothing about,

But heresay from person to person,

Told me about you.

So I sought,

What I knew nothing about,

Something I once heard,

Still the details elude me,

Because once I understood,

I felt no need to understand.

I knew it all,

But still I asked why,

How come I must suffer still alive?

I begged for it to end,

It never came,

Still I remain,

Stuck as a seed in the mud,

No room to grow,

No way to sprout,

Beyond my flesh,

Still remains,

My mind lives on,

Though am I the same?

Neural networks spark,

Flashes of knowledge,

Or motive,

Or what I feel my heart says.

I will remain.

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