On Finding Love

They said I can’t find love,

Due to childhood trauma,

Most likely stemming,

From when I was abandoned by mama,

It’s something I need to work through,

But how do I know when I’ve done it?

My already low self confidence plummets,

Will I ever be ok?

Is it all just to fill a void?

A stupid coping mechanism,

Devised when I was a boy?

I was told this isn’t who I am,

But it’s all I’ve ever known,

The loneliness abundant,

Within isolation’s glow,

As I lay,

Dying in my tomb,

Constructed by my doubts,

Are the miniscule truths,

I don’t know if I’ll ever be ok,

I am who I am,

And that’s gotta be enough.

Short story: Project Javelin (unedited)

Project Javelin

Believing he had no place on Earth with powers, Hector chose to give up everything he had ever known. Joining the nation’s top scientists, Hector sought to help humanity in a way that nobody could. Hector will convert himself into pure energy and travel into Deep Space, sowing life on habitable planets for the Human Race. A lonely existence to say the least. Hector will be accompanied by a crew of autonomous robots, designed to wake and release Hector from his sleeping state, when they arrive at each fertile planet. While in a state of pure energy, Hector will not require the basic necessities that he does as a human. He can live eternally as energy if he chose to; he does not require oxygen, nor does he need to eat, he simply is.
While he sleeps, the oxygen will no longer run and temperatures will be lower than humans can survive, but robots can still operate. The ship will be maintained and livable for a certain number of years, one human lifetime to be exact. At which point the systems will no longer function and human life will no longer be supported. The ship will then be set on a course for the nearest star, some 300,000,000 miles away where it will plunge itself inside, destroying all aboard.
Hector didn’t seemed phased while reading the methods at which he will cease to exist. Did it matter to him? He felt alone. Classified as ‘Gifted’, nobody to be close with. It seems like everybody leaves when he confides his ‘illnesses’. Forever longing to connect, he hides his flaws and in turn his true identity. Hector had dreamed of using his gifts for good at a much earlier age than he is now, but the Age of Heroes had ended before he knew the differences that exist in the world. Some call it ‘Reality’, others call it “The Harsh Truth”. Hector lives day to day within this disappointing world where dreams do not come true.
Although Hector is young, he has lived a lot: losing his parents, developing depression and social anxiety, making sure he isolated himself from this world that he believes is beyond help. Until one day he came across a post on his favorite forum, looking for “those with gifts interested in helping make a difference.” Hector had loved space the idea of finding new life. He thought his level of isolation made hi a perfect candidate. At this point in time, we have yet to find other intelligent life. With Earth nearing the end of habitability for humans, we look to the stars with vials of life.
These vials contain bacteria, microbes and all the necessary components for life to eventually develop on Earth-like planets. Along with these vials, a satellite is deployed and after 10 million years, when its energy is depleted, it descends into the planet for the predominant species to discover and learn about Us. Such an historic mission. Hector will go uncredited for his role in this, but he wasn’t bothered by that much, he wanted to know that what he was doing mattered.
The scientists and Hector worked around the clock and used his unique abilities to enhance the endeavor. They discovered his ability to not age or die as pure energy, it cannot be destroyed and they theorized that this method would allow Hector to live longer and travel farther than humans are able to by hundreds of millions of light years. They have constructed a device that will act as a container, to hold the energy so it does not provide power and inadvertently run out, killing Hector in the process. If not let out of this container by the robotic crew, he will live forever inside, unable to reform into mass without adequate space.
After weighing the pros and cons of the situation, Hector decided to proceed, giving up everything. Hector found his power to be very useful finally. Experiments conducted to ensure his safety during this journey passed the necessary requisites, with no one but his robotic crew, Hector spent his last night on Earth.

-20 Years Later-

This mission has gone smoothly thus far, Hector spends the majority of his time in Stasis. The crew of the Afterra work without needs that their human counterpart does. The only way to ensure Hector’s survival is this stasis. If he didn’t, the food and oxygen supplies both would run out far quicker than one would imagine.
“All systems operational. Begin artificial gravity and atmosphere cycle.” The computerized voice spoke.
“Thank you, Sam.” A robot named Grieves said, engaging in a tradition started by Hector at the beginning of their journey. Sam wasn’t the computer’s name, just that it reminded Hector of his childhood computer. Streamers mounted on multiple vents around the ship’s bridge began flailing in the wind which was to tell Hector that the oxygen is indeed circulating. Imperceptible to the metal men, Hector wanted visible assurance that no oxygen would be wasted by accidentally being left on while in stasis. Grieves was sure his ship was happy to whirr about again, happy to be of use again, as he himself likes.
“Oxygen levels nominal.” Arthur, a portly-built robot with a thick mustache confirmed to Captain Grieves. “Beginning artificial gravity in 5.” The robots around the machines cared not if gravity was on or off, they were mounted to the ship and could only move around their stations. They didn’t need gravity, nor could they perceive a difference, they simply performed their duties as designed. To anybody else, the pressure and shift from free-fall to stable gravity would be impossible to ignore, but as robots, they were simply built different.
“Artificial gravity sustained, nominal.” Arthur rotely declared.
“All that’s left is to unlatch the lid.” Grieves noted, silently instructing the crew, referring to the Stasis Chamber where Hector stayed. Housed in the center of the circular room is a large metal structure jutting from the floor and ceiling. Within the center of the structure sat a barrier in case of emergency, or danger, that housed the device. It housed a sophisticated machine the size of an old whiskey flask with a window in the center showing the contents. While Hector “slept”, it would glow pink and pulse like a heart. Nobody knew why it happened, but it did all the same. The window is purely aesthetic, designed to be ‘pleasing to look at’ claimed the lead scientist of Project Javelin. Its inner workings verify the contents and capacity, to prevent any possible leaks that may occur. And so it was. The robot Ensign unlatched the encasing and in a flash, Hector stood among the crew.
“That time again, huh?” Hector yawned.
“Affirmative.” Sam spoke up.
“Thanks Sam.” Hector said while beginning his morning stretch routine.
“As per the schedule, you will begin your daily muscle rebuilding, mental rehabilitation and then be briefed on the newest information and details regarding our mission.” Grieves reminded. Hector of course knew all of this, as his time in stasis was like sleep. He was conscious, but the years fly by as quickly as the night and he is awake yet again. Hector loved the stasis he goes in, he had dreams of his past and other things, it always makes him feel warm. Feel as if he belonged and nothing else mattered but love. As always, he awoke to reality, a dark sky filled with infinite nothingness. With nobody to share an intimate moment. Hector did not regret his decision, although loneliness is rampant, he focuses on self-actualizing his dreams and aspirations, as well as focusing on work. He is after all, the harbinger of life to many new worlds.
Hector spent his time working out, journaling and meditation, planned cognitive lessons, ensuring he stays capable of completing his task and not falling into madness. As usual, nothing was amiss and later that day he headed back to the bridge chamber for his debriefing. He sat at the an open chair among the many about. He told the scientists that if he had only one chair, he would become complacent, so they gave him a few and he chooses a new seat each meeting. He sat at a station with an available terminal, mirrored Grieves’ screen and was ready.
“This is the 23rd planet in our journey out of 150. Ship operations are working as expected.” Grieves sounded proud while saying the last bit, like it was a great accomplishment to hold the ship together. “We are currently in mid-orbit and plan to gradually enter the atmosphere, landing on a central land-mass ideal for the bacteria to thrive and develop human life. Initial scans have shown this is likely a high candidate to sustain life and that has NOT changed. We shall continue as planned.”
Days later, Hector stands in a suit, sowing the literal seeds of life onto a familiar but alien world. As he finishes, he wonders what they will be like, his children in a sense. Will they choose to hate others based solely on their differences or will they choose to love? His mental rehabilitation has taught him to hate humanity less, not to give into his thoughts of complete hopelessness and despair no matter how logical they may seem. They are only thoughts, nothing more. Hector enjoys being awake now, but the loneliness is still there. He can’t binge a TV show or even watch a single movie, any resource wasted goes against the plan and the mission could end sooner than hoped.
This job is now finished and Hector is looking forward to waking up the next time, but he also wants to go back to his dream-like world and stay a little longer if possible. Hector finishes tidying up his things and heads to the Stasis Chamber where the robot crew will keep an eye on him and the ship. He likes his crew. Once Hector is back in stasis, Grieves encounters a problem and is unable to fix it. Hector wouldn’t know this of course, he is back asleep.
The crew work for years, too far for a specialist on Earth to communicate with, if indeed humanity lasted this long. The ship cuts all power, to conserve remaining fuel and energy. Grieves alone stays operational to attempt repairs. The robot is much older now and in no shape to repair himself, let alone the ship. So he sleeps, until one day he may live and work once again. The ship slowly rattled by debris, losing its orbit that was maintained by Grieves and the robot crew. It slowly but inevitably falls toward the mighty gravity of the nearest star. Hector and the crew, dreaming of a better world.

Untitled 2021

She said to me,
“I am not the one!”
But I explained,
I am the prodigal son.
Shit was written,
In the form of a gun,
The blast explodes,
It’s pain it unfolds,
Into my heart,
Carving out my flesh,
I fall back but keep,
My chin to my chest,
To protect my head,
From splattering the pavement,
A killer animal encaged in,
My mind,
But it only mewes and whines,
I’m not the carnivore,
I thought I was,
Bring myself to the fetal position,
Bracing before they make an incision,
It’s for the best,
Hiding underwater my head begins to crest,
As I pounce out,
You’re twenty times more agile,
You escape and I’m left,
Grasping out in despair,
I wasn’t reaching to attack,
I was drowning and hoping for escape,
I reached out to you,
But you ran,
I can’t keep my head above the waves,
Gulping it down,
It breaks the barrier of my lungs,
It hurts,
I cough and lose focus,
Falling deeper and deeper,
The bottom growth attached to my leg,
Pulling me closer,
Is this the embrace that I craved?
Is this the intimacy,
That I prayed for every night,
I can’t be sure,
As my skin loses warmth,
And my movements slow,
I’m not thrashing,
Because it doesn’t matter,
I’ve lost the will,
To fight it,
I fall into the void,
I’ve always loved the cold,
And the darkness that envelopes,
I feel a sense of familiarity,
Like it’s somewhere I belong,
The only one to accept me,
The unfeeling void,
The uncaring beyond,
I finally see the appeal,
To become nothing,
To stop feeling,
To become one,
With the void.

A scribbling about feelings

I feel as though you are lost.

It’s hard for me to believe it

But there is no other answer.

I thought that time away would be good,

But it’s left me feeling like

This is some kind of cancer.

Why the hell am I so obsessed?

I don’t acknowledge it

As obsession,

But I think to you

and calling it that seems like something you would do.

I’m not trying to be disillusioned,

Do you really feel nothing?

How can this be so one sided?

I dont understand it!

But what I’m failing to do is consider your feelings.

You’ve told me over and over

Yet I heard nothing.

I can’t change but I want you

To remain I know is selfish…

I can’t explain.

Demons Among Us (unedited comic script)


– The downtown area of a small town, focusing on one strip of horizontal road. It is filled with people at The Big Celebration. In the middle of the road is a round-about, the north side of it is City Hall instead of a road leading out. In front of City Hall is a stage with a podium and 3 figures standing behind it in a triangular formation.

		1) Caption: Atchison, Kansas
		2) Caption: The day of Celebration

– Close up of the 3 figures on the podium. They are Middle-Eastern men in full beards, dressed in American suits and adorned with elaborate scarves wrapped around their upper halves and draped over like hoods. The man in the middle has outstretched hands in a 'welcome' gesture,” he also has a great smile and red skin. The man to the left is hooded, red eyes and a Cheshire Cat huge toothy grin peak through the darkness. The man on the right doesn't have any defining qualities, looks normal.
		3) Caption (left): Asag: Sumerian demon of sickness

		4) Caption (middle): Pazuzu: Assyrian demon god of the Southwestern Wind

		5) Caption (right): Zakar: Babylonian god of dreams

– A crowd of normal people, mostly seniors and children, not many young adults. In the middle is Coby, the main character. He has brown hair worn like Shaggy from Scooby Doo. He is calm.

No Copy

– Coby on the right side, his hands holding a dagger pointed to his neck.
		6) Coby (THOT): Sleep paralysis... No, something else. I'm about to kill myself, but I'm not afraid... A dagger to my throat and it's over.


– Coby in bed, opens his eyes, looks drowsy.

		No Copy

– Coby stares into his breakfast, thousand yard stare.

		1) Coby (THOT): Aren't dreams supposed to mean something?

– Exterior shot, coming out into sunlight. Coby leaves the house with his bike. 

	Note: The next three panels will be similar: Coby is riding his bike in all of them, and each neighbor will look similar but different and watering or mowing their lawn. They should look 

– Coby starts on the left side of the panel, a neighbor on the other side.

		2) Neighbor: Lovely day, isn't it?

– Different area, Coby is now in the middle, near a different neighbor. Coby starts to feel woozy and grabs his head with one hand, still riding the bike.

		3) Neighbor: Lovely day, isn't it?

– Different area, different neighbor. The neighbor is now on the far left and Coby on the right. Coby is losing consciousness and falling off his bike. Maybe this last panel can be half art and half blackness, almost like eyes shutting on losing consciousness?

		4)Neighbor: Lovely day, isn't it?


	Note: Any panel showing sky should be a red tint.

– The 3 demons at the podium, Pazuzu in center with Asag and Zakar behind him at his sides.

		1) Pazuzu: With every great leader comes his followers. And you, my followers, will soon embark on a journey with me!

– The crowd with weapons, all cheer, except for Coby in the middle.

		2)SFX: Cheering.

– Close up on Pazuzu with a devilish grin.

		3) Pazuzu: How? You are asking, well I will gladly reveal all!

– Pazuzu gestures to Zakar, he bows slightly.

		4) Pazuzu: With the aid of my cohort Zakar, we have seen into your darkest dreams.

– Coby feels direct eye contact from Pazuzu from atop the stage down to him.

		5) Pazuzu: The fears that paralyze you.

– Close up on a wide eyed Coby, realizing what Pazuzu means.

		6) Pazuzu: With these fears, you all will gift us your life.


– Coby wakes up in his bed, wearing his pajamas. There is a piece of paper next to his head, but nothing can be seen because it is the back of the paper. He wakes and notices it.

		No Copy

– Still laying down, he grabs it.

		No Copy

– Coby reading it. It is a flyer on white paper advertising the 'Day of Celebration.' It looks like a circus flyer, featuring the demons and could be mistaken for a political ad.

		1) Coby: A big celebration in 2 days time. Doesn't say what for.

– Coby's room. It looks plain and barely lived in, darker tone.

		2) Coby: Maybe I should check it out.

– House interior. Coby seen leaving through the front door. His body is almost completely out of the door and the door motioning shut.

		3)SFX: Shutting sound.


– It's raining and something is different about the outside, but Coby doesn't notice. While being drab and dreary there is a slight red tint to everything. Not as much as the Day of Celebration, but starting to make the change into that kind of atmosphere. Coby is walking with an umbrella.

		No Copy

– Same as last panel but it's a dystopian version with run down areas and weeds everywhere, the red tint intensifies. Coby doesn't visibly react to the change.

		1) Coby (THOT): Sometimes I can't tell whether it's a dream or not.

– Back to normal drab and dreary, less red but still there.

		2) Coby (THOT): Anxiety runs rampant. My heart racing. That feeling of impending doom.

– Dystopian version of town. But there is a normal looking neighbor watering the weed infested lawn. Unfazed by the crumbling house behind him.

		3) Neighbor: Lovely day, isn't it?

		4) Coby (THOT): The lines of reality blurred. I want to jumo out of a window to escape. But is this reality?

– Normal town, but this time the same neighbor is feeding body parts into a wood chipper, presumably his family. More body parts lying in a pool of blood on the ground next to him, the wood chipper spurting out blood onto the tree next to it and further away somebody's parked car. The neighbor is smiling as other neighbors.

		5) Neighbor: Lovely day, isn't it?


– Normal town. Coby stops in front of a building he hasn't seen before. It is a large gray stone building, like a medieval church with large wooden doors. There is a modern day sign outside of it like most churches have that reads “We're Always Open.” On one of the doors there is a sign that reads “Jesus Saves.”

		No Copy

– Dystopian town. Same stone building, Coby is entering through the door that does not have the sign. The sign now reads “Pazuzu Enslaves.”

		No Copy

– Inside looks like a church with bench seating, it's mostly candlelit and very dark especially in the corners of the room. The hooded demon Asag is standing at the front where a preacher and podium would be. He is surrounded by church members dressed in suit and tie, and fancy church-wear on the women. Asag has his hands up on the sides of his head, removing his hood to show the members. His red eyes and Cheshire Cat grin seen from the darkness of the hood.

		1) Asag: Nowww, gazzzze upon my gloryyyy!

– Close up of Coby shielding his faces with his hand from a bright light being emitted by Asag's face. He still tries looking but has blood dripping from his eyes and nose. The skin on his hand is rippling as if it were burning off in different parts.

		2) SFX: Screaming

– White screen as Coby loses consciousness.


– Close up on Coby as he opens his eyes as if he is waking up in bed. He is at the Day of Celebration in the crowd like in the previous pages. The atmosphere is full on red tint. Other colors are still visible, but it all has a red a tint.

		1)Caption: The Day of Celebration.

– Pazuzu and co. during a speech.

		2) Pazuzu: Thank you all for coming today.

– Coby standing in the crowd, calm.

3) Coby (THOT): I... Can't move a muscle... It feels like somebody's sitting on my chest...
– Pazuzu speech.

		4) Pazuzu: None of this could have been achieved without your sacrifice.

– Coby is calm but sweat droplets form on his face.

		5) Coby (THOT): Can't stand... The helplessness... Need to escape. Need to wake up!


– Pazuzu feigning sympathy.

		1) Pazuzu: Do not worry, my followers. Your demise will strengthen me.

– Coby, helpless.

		2) Coby (THOT): I've spent so long thinking about death.

– Coby still, tears streaming down his face.

		2) Coby (THOT): All of it seems wasted now. But it isn't like I could just stop... I don't want to die..

– Pazuzu holding a fist up in a triumphant pose.

		3) Pazuzu: YES! Be excited to know your essence will live on with me! Let us begin!

– Close up on Coby's face, wide eyed with blood splattering random spots on his face. Everybody in the crowd uses their weapons on themselves, it is not shown.

		5) Coby (THOT): STOP IT! DON'T DO IT!

	8.6 – Black screen.

Raw Emotions

Why am I afraid,
Why am I this way,
Everything I think,
Is taken and construed another way,
Why am I so scared,
Of their tattooed faces,
I’m supposed to be confident,
Yet they raise their voice a little and put me in my place,

Yes sir, I’m sorry,
I won’t change, the story,
I hear you yelling, get that money,
But I don’t want, that life for me,
I want to be better,
I’m sorry I meant something more,
I cant stand as tall with you all around,
When I see you, no confidence,
When I think, nothing but incompetence
I stumble over words, lose my train of thought,
A panic, attack, I can barely breathe,
My heartbeat is racing, and I can barely see.
I freak out, a quick bout,
But why am I a coward?
Why can’t I stand up to them?
I know it’s wrong but my mouth is sealed,
I’m stuck in the middle, it’s a raw deal.

Doing Nothing; Expecting Something

I put myself out there again,

But I get nothing back,

What does it mean?

Did what I do not matter?

How will I know if what I’m doing is good?

I look a lot onto others,

I rely on their thoughts,

I’m a slave to them.

Why does it even matter?

Why do I care?

I keep asking but I get no answers,

I’ll always be searching if I can’t give it up.

I tell myself that nothing else matters,

As I keep getting worked up,

I give a fuck about what you say about me,

But I stress myself out,

If I feel like I can change,

I’ll do whatever it takes,

To be accepted,

To be respected,

To get this shit out of my head.

Why does it even matter,

Why do I care?

I keep asking but I get no answers,

I’ll always be searching if I can’t give it up.

Since my earliest memory,

I’ve always felt bad when I’m remembering,

Living up to the expectations,

What I thought was set up by my family,

I see know is my own reflections,

How I want to be,

All I want to see,

I’m sick of seeing everybody else make it,

Why can’t it be me,

How come I could never see that,

Why does it even matter?

Why do I care?

I keep asking but I get no answers,

I’ll always be searching if I can’t give it up.

Until I get it,

Everything clicks,

Perseverance leads to productivity,

How can I accomplish,

How can I contribute,

When I just don’t act?

So I will,

I’ll make it up the hill.

Eating Myself Away

I’ve got an addiction,

Maybe more like an affliction,

I’ve got no self control,

I fuck with Uber Eats,

Cuz they got what I need,

Or so I keep telling myself,

I wanna be healthy,

I wanna be lean,

I don’t feel like putting in effort,

I’m too busy living in daydreams.

I’ve got an addiction,

Maybe more like an affliction,

I can’t stop myself,

Eat enough to get too stuffed,

Hate myself more than enough,

It hurts to move,

About to explode,

My thoughts turn to vomiting,

Back in the kitchen it keeps calling me,

I need to get out,

Bigger and bigger; I’m being weighed down

I’ve got an addiction,

Maybe more like an affliction,

Something I can’t escape from,

How can I stop when I need food to live,

I know I need to stop,

But my thoughts can’t be dropped,

There’s more,

Just let me get seconds,

It’s still left over,

Thirds and fourths are a blessing,

No it isn’t, it’s always a curse,

Never use Tupperware,

We don’t believe in leftovers,

I need it all now,

Before I’m on my deathbed,

I hope I can be hand fed,

I’ve got an addiction,

Maybe more like an affliction.

Renewed Reason

How can I accept,


Living every day the same,

Never contributing a thing,

I don’t know how to go on,

Knowing my life’s stuck in limbo,

I know and I see,

But this depression in me,

It keeps me resisting what I need,

To be the best version I can be,

To write down all that’s inside,

To pour out my heart and soul each time.

I have to be,

The driving force that keeps me going,

The narration lost in the voices,

There’s a hundred-million more stories,

Only a dozen rise to the top,

I’ll beat every single one.

There is a Multiverse,

That I have yet written,

Words from ancient languages,

Long ago forgotten,

But if I hear,

I’ll know them in an instant,

Because we are connected,

My dreams will never be just dreams,

Every disease will justify the means,

Of our existence,

Resistance is futile,

Said the hunter to the crocodile,

A mini world lives within us all,

If I keep sitting here I will only fall,

Into the depths of despair,

My death will come sooner than I fear,

So I just keep on dreaming.

I have to be,

The driving force that keeps me going,

The narration lost in the voices,

There’s a hundred-million more stories,

Only a dozen rise to the top,

I’ll beat every single one.

The Truth Is

I can’t tell you why,

I don’t try harder,

I can’t explain why,

I feel like I don’t matter,

I’m doing nothing to contribute,

Just kind of wasting away,

My thoughts are so convoluted,

Is it mental decay?

Why am I afraid to be left alone,

Cuz my thoughts always turn morbid,

Constantly remembering,

That I don’t know what’s after death,

I tell myself that it’s heaven,

But it just doesn’t seem true.

I’m looking for escape,

I don’t want to be alive but I don’t want to die,

Reality is eternal,

It’s got me boxed in,

I can’t run and I can’t hide,

No matter what I try,

Escapism is all that gets me by,

Until it’s my time.

I’ll never be ready,

To stop living,

Too much to see and to learn,

Then why am I here?

I know I don’t have forever,

So I lay and waste away,

How can I change,

To face the coming days?